Friday, June 5, 2009

Driving Chicks Crazy

This blog is mostly for the wife (yes, I can call her "the wife" and there's nothing she can do about it...I put it in the fine print of my vows). However, if there are any other ladies out there that want some insight, prepare to be enlightened.

I don't believe in driving 'shortcuts'. In fact, I don't know the last time I even said the word 'shortcut' in reference to making a u-turn and gunning for the back alley located in the opposite direction of the freeway. What I do believe in is motion and moving forward.

There are few things more absurd than coming to a complete stop on a road that has no stop lights, no stop signs, and a maximum speed of 65 miles per hour. Only slightly more absurd would be the wife (TW) that purchases an item she doesn't need, yet insisting that she 'saved' money. ARRRGGHH!!

Back to my point. I peeled off the freeway this morning because traffic was at a standstill. I took the back roads to get to work. Did it save me time? Probably not. Was it less stressful? Absolutely. Why? Because there was constant motion and the feeling that I was actually making progress.

Last night we headed to the folks house following an awesome pizza outing. I went a different direction than the parents and all I heard was bellyaching from TW about how this way was longer and took more time. First off, I lived in the town for most of my life so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. Second, the parents have the keys so it does me no good to beat them to their house. Third, MY LIGHT WAS GREEN!

Distance and time aside, if given the choice between sitting completely still on a street or going with the green light, I'm going green 90% of the time. Hell, I do the same thing at crosswalks when I'm walking.

Is this just a guy thing? I have no idea. Seems to be, though, since I've never heard a guy ask 'why the hell did you go this way?' However, I've definitely heard that from a few ladies over the years.

I went this way because it was moving and we will get where we're going. It may not be that much faster, and we may actually arrive later than everyone, but the light was green and that made me happy.

So there you have it. 'Shortcuts' don't exist, and I'm pretty sure we all know that. I (and I hope I'm not the only guy thinking this) am simply trying to find the path that flows the smoothest. Forward motion on the road is what it's all about. Stopping and starting amounts to road rage.

That is all, blog fans. Have a great day, and drive safe!

Oh yeah....and we beat my parents to the house by 5 minutes. *sigh*

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