Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shout Out to CSUS

It took me two and a half years and several thousand dollars to get out of Sac State with a Bachelor of Art's Degree in Communication Studies/Digital Media. When I left college, I spent the next few years trying to find a job that was remotely related to my degree.

By the time I landed in that type of job, it had been seven years, anything I learned had become obsolete and was forgotten anyway, and apparently the degree program itself became obsolete and has since been eliminated.

But that's okay. In the last two months at my new job, I have learned and done more with digital media than I ever did in college and in the years since. What's more, I'm actually getting paid to do it.

So thank you, CSUS. If for nothing else, you at least gave me a piece of paper that looks nice in a frame on my wall and makes me feel like a big shot.

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