Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogger be Thy Name

Haven't been feeling particularly bloggy lately. However, since my wife is currently in the living room watching Oprah with my mother, I think I should take a moment away from the estrogen and type a few snipets about what I'm feeling about some select things.

Media - no matter what they try to make us believe, we don't actually have any rights to view video or hear tapes of the death/pain/misery of others unless we are in fact on a jury deciding the fate of a defendant. To the rest of us, it's not our business unless we happen to be directly involved. They don't care about the victims, but only for the ratings and ad revenue their despair can generate. It's a sick and perverted (redundant?) industry.

Furlough Days - just received a third day each month and easily on my way to a fourth, along with 230,000+ of my "coworkers". Four days a month equals 48 day a year (2 months of work). Don't know about you, but losing 2 months of salary in a year is a pretty nice chunk of change. Not sure how the Governator aims to boost the economy by cutting the spending power of thousands of workers...not to mention the trickle down to local governments and small businesses that won't get services or get paid. This state is currently a big fat shit hole, politically and economically speaking. These legislators are seriously going to have to start watching their backs, cuz there are a number of state workers that are pretty unhinged when they make full paychecks. The camel's back is surely close to breaking by now. (Disclaimer - this is NOT me threatening to harm legislators. I'm not that type. Just simply pointing out that it wouldn't surprise me if this happens with things as they are)

The Boca Chain - fucking amazing! The Boca Chain introduced Jose Canseco to steroids in the early 80's, threw a pass AND intercepted the same pass in an NFL game, and knows who killed President Kennedy. Do you know the Boca Chain? You should. Go here.

Chicks - what....the....eff....?

That's all I got for now. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.


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